Thursday, March 18, 2010

Out of what would you build your house? Plywood, plastic, or used metal?

Shantytown of Damunager, India- One of the largest shantytowns in all of Asia and it continues to grow. Shantytowns are well known for not having electricity, proper sanitation, and no communication lines for telephones.   Often such cities are a result of a developing country that has an unequal distribution of wealth leading to many people with hardly any money to live.  Sadly to say, over one-sixth of the world’s population lives in such conditions. 

In Dumunager, the shantytown located around the great city of Mumbai, officials have recognized this tragic problem and have tried to create a new program to help remove people from the Shantytown sector and also have tried to make sanitation more possible—at least publicly (Chinai).  Unfortunately, the actions of government have made the decision to start to destroy some of the shantytowns because they continue to move into the countryside of India.  As a result, many of people living in these towns have made their conditions even worse (The South Asian).

Works Cited

Chinai, Rupa. “Mumbai slum dwellers’ sewage project goes nationwide.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2002.  Print. 18 Mar 2010.

Salgado, SebastiĆ£o. Photograph. Migrations: Humanity in Transition. New York: Aperture, 2000. 427. Print. 4 Mar. 2010.