Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moms and Bombs

Mozambique-A place once filled with destruction and war has left many incapacitated or killed from the mines, bombings, and slaughters.   Many of these have lost limbs, family, and their homes.  Despite all of these terrible problems, disease spread killing many parents of children and left many as orphans.  As such, many women take on the responsibility to care for those without any parents left.  And yet despite all the tragedies, some can even smile at the life they now have.  Gratitude is visible in their eyes as they continue to press on bringing hope to those who have lost everything.

Sebastiao Salgado depicts this beautifully with two magnificent African women caring for two young children and even though both have lost limbs, you feel hope and a feeling of love for them and their future.  The National Center of Biotechnology Information says that Over 90 percent of the people who lived and were interviewed had hope for the future. 

Works Cited

Salgado, Sebastião. Photograph. Migrations: Humanity in Transition. New York: Aperture, 2000. 233. Print. 4 Mar. 2010.